
Showing posts from October, 2017

Alien Life On Earth

This plant, honestly looks like some alien plant species from another planet. Somehow it's here, on earth. The vibrant colors are beautiful and they contrast very well together. I love how different this plant was from the rest. Most other plants are just green but this one stands out from it's bright purples.


What do you see when you look at this woman? A distressed mistress, tired of her life... no longer interested in expensive stilettos and Chanel handbags. Abused and taken advantage of. Bullied. Torn in every way possible. Scar's on her face that appear when he comes home drunk. The constant arguing and yelling has now left my emotions numb... can't feel a thing anymore. I don't need to waste water when I want to soak in the tub, my tears fill it up for me. Bottom line here is... we never really know what people are going through or what happens behind closed doors. A simple smile or a friendly hello can make someone's day. A simple act of kindness can make all the difference.

A Tiny Park Gem

 This little pine cone told a story as I knelt down to capture it. Completely untouched and naturally placed, it sat in a perfect position. The wind was blowing hard, but it didn't move. The other pine cones were scattered all over the ground, but this one. Still attached to it's branch, not yet ready to hit the ground. A Park Gem.